Repair kit for Mercruiser MPI seawater pump including the complete housing as well as the impeller and its reassembly seal.

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Repair kit for Mercruiser MPI seawater pump including the complete housing as well as the impeller and its reassembly seal.
Turbine de refroidissement pour pompe à eau de mer de moteur Mercruiser MPI.
Largeur: 68 mm
Hauteur: 51 mm
Diamètre arbre:
Sea water pump lid joint Mercruiser MPI.
Seawater pump kit for Mercruiser MPI engine including:
-The pump shaft
- Joint spi 26-8M014317
- Circlip 862039
- Guilty 26-862040
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Sea water pump lid for Mercruiser MPI motor.
Pump assembly without air purge.
Rolling joint included.
Original Mercruiser serpentine pulley for seawater suction pump.
Installation tool - disassembly: 39000
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Pièce non en stock.
Demandez le délai de réapprovisionnement et le tarif en cliquant sur le bouton « Ask for a quote ».
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