Yamaha and Mercury engine head anode with the old anode carrier support not having been replaced by 887847A01 or 97-804085A01 (new anode 16511).

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Yamaha and Mercury engine head anode with the old anode carrier support not having been replaced by 887847A01 or 97-804085A01 (new anode 16511).
Zinc engine anode for Yamaha and Mercury engines from 75 to 250 hp.
Anode Door Mount 97-804085A01 and 887847A01
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Complete anode door kit including support, visor, anode and joint for Mercury and Yamaha engines:
Mercury - Yamaha : 75, 90CV 4Temps Carbu
Mercury - Yamaha : 75, 80, 90, 100, 115 4Temps EFI (before 2006, Mercury until number 1B366822)
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Complete anode door kit including support, visor, anode and joint for Mercury and Yamaha engines:
Mercury - Mariner 75, 80, 90, 100, 115, 225 EFI
Yamaha F75 to F300 until 2009