Professional glue for semi rigid PVC material.
Container 125ml
10ml catalyst

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Professional glue for semi rigid PVC material.
Container 125ml
10ml catalyst
Professional glue for semi rigid in neoprene.
Container 125ml
10ml catalyst
Professional glue for semi rigid in neoprene.
Capacity 850ml
Catalyst 50ml
Antifouling suitable for the protection of metal parts subject to permanent immersion, does not deteriorate to mechanical and galvanic wear or electrolysis to which metals are subjected.
Don't take off, don't leave in plaque and no concretion is formed.Applies on bronze, inox, aluminum and also on the original paints of the base.
Apply before applying a layer of Metal Primer.
Color : Grise.
Application : Brosse - Pistolet.
Dilution: Diluants No. 4.
Dry at 20°C: at touch: 1 hour, overcouchable by itself: 2 hours, immersion min 16h, max 6 months.
Couches 2 - 3.
Power covering: 10m2/L.
VC Tar2 est un primaire époxydique bi-composants procurant une protection contre l'osmose sur les bateaux en polyester revêtus de gelcoat et une protection anticorrosive sur acier et alliage léger.
Utilisable uniquement en-dessous de la flottaison avec la gamme VC OFFSHORE et VC17.
- Auto-nivellant pour donner un excellent aspect de finition.
- Facile d'application - sur-couchable rapidement.
- Pas de ponçage entre les couches.
- Procure une excellente étanchéité, utilisable en traitement préventif ou curatif osmose. Primaire idéal des antifoulings de la gamme VC.
Type : Bi-composant.
Mélange : 7:1 en volume.
Couleur : Noir - Blanc.
Contenance : 1 litre.
Application : Brosse - Rouleau.
Dilution : VC Général Thinner.
Séchage à 20°C : Sur-couchage 2h mini- 3 jours maxi.
P.C. théorique : 11.30 m² / Litre.
P.C. pratique : 9 m² à la brosse.
Remarque : Utilisable uniquement en dessous de la flottaison.
Colour Black 2 Litres.
Improved glide: speed - racing.
Very smooth finish, thin film technology.
VC Offshore EU is a high performance antifouling, suitable for heavily soiled areas, for both power and sailing boats.
Fast drying product providing a hard, smooth film that is easily cleaned and sanded.
Smooth finish for improved speed and efficiency
Hard, sandable film - Ideal for powerboats and racing boats
Quick and easy application. No sanding between coats
Fast drying for quick overcoating and flexible time to water
Colour White - grey 2 Litres.
Improved glide: speed - racing.
Very smooth finish, thin film technology.
VC Offshore EU is a high performance antifouling, suitable for heavily soiled areas, for both power and sailing boats.
Fast drying product providing a hard, smooth film that is easily cleaned and sanded.
Smooth finish for improved speed and efficiency
Hard, sandable film - Ideal for powerboats and racing boats
Quick and easy application. No sanding between coats
Fast drying for quick overcoating and flexible time to water