Engine seals for application YANMAR 3JH3E - 3JH3YEU.
To complete with:
1x spi joint before vilebrequin 129795-01800
1x spi rear crankshaft seal 129120-01780
1x scraper seal 129150-11310
6x valve tail seal 124460-11340

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Engine seals for application YANMAR 3JH3E - 3JH3YEU.
To complete with:
1x spi joint before vilebrequin 129795-01800
1x spi rear crankshaft seal 129120-01780
1x scraper seal 129150-11310
6x valve tail seal 124460-11340
Engine seals for application YANMAR 1GM10.
To complete with:
1x spi tail joint 124085-02220
1x spi joint before vilebrequin JS25408
1x joint jS17308
2x valve tail seal 124950-11340
1x exhaust elbow joint 128170-13201
Valve stem seal for GM V8 454 or 502 engine with the following dimensions:
Inner diameter - guide: 13.462 mm
Outside diameter: 17.14mm
Valve diameter: 9.53mm
Height: 13mm
Gasket designed for installation with a cylinder head with 2 valve springs.
Rigid valve stem seal for GM BB engine with single valve spring.
Height 20.5mm
Bottom diameter: 22mm
Top diameter: 21mm
Valve diameter: 9mm
Inner diameter: 17.5mm - 20mm
Sape tail joint.