Asshole ball for GM 4-cylinder engine.
10 parts are required for a 4-cylinder engine.
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Asshole ball for GM 4-cylinder engine.
10 parts are required for a 4-cylinder engine.
Set of pads for a standard gauge of diameter 53.34mm and width 21.3mm.
Attention for the recent GM181 4-cylinder engines with a width of 19mm, please refer to the reference 23-804982.
Part set for a 1mm repair piston on GM or Ford base engines.
Height segments: 2 - 2 - 4.8mm
Complete bearing pads set for GM 4-cylinder engine in standard size.
4-cylinder 2.5 and 3-litre base GM.
Low pocket for GM 4-cylinder engine with 1 piece oil crankcase seal.
Kit including all seals for low engine removal.
Pochette comprising the following joints:
- oil carter seal
- drain joint
- distribution cardr joint
- front and rear vilebrequin spi joint
- gasoline pump joint
- water pump winding joint
- oil pump joint.
Pochette rodage including all joints for the removal of the ass on a GM181 4-cylinder 2.5L or 3L block.
Kit including:
- Asshole joint FP17000
- valve tail joint MV1903
- FP17900 scraper seal
- visiting hatch joint 27/814703
- FP70194 illuminator joint
Cooling and exhaust collector seals are not included (FP17300-FP17301-FP17302-FP17304)