Forged dome gun for GM454 HP motor in standard rating.
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Forged dome gun for GM454 HP motor in standard rating.
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Standard size segment set of following dimensions 1.98 x 1.98 x 4.76MM.
Depth of root segments: 3.20MM
Kit of complete bearing pads in standard size.
Joint spi arrière de vilebrequin en un seul morceau pour moteur V8 GM 454 et 502 en rotation standard LH.
Exterior diameter motor 36cm with 168 teeth for motor V8 7.4 litres - 8.2 litres base GM APRES 1990 with a spi of vilebrequin in a 1PCS piece.
Generation V and VI.
Round coupling for Mercruiser engine with a Bravo-type base.
Set of pads for a standard slot.