Exhaust durite in elbow output for Mercruiser motor in diameter 100mm.
Round shape.
Collier remontage TOR100/13.
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Exhaust durite in elbow output for Mercruiser motor in diameter 100mm.
Round shape.
Collier remontage TOR100/13.
Exhaust Durite in 100mm diameter elbow output, fastening by 4 collars.
Necklace type TOR100/13.
Exhaust Durite for diesel VOLVO engine with the following dimensions:
Diameter: 90mm
Diameter: 85mm
Height: 75mm
Durite d'échappement supérieur pour moteurs Volvo Penta - OMC base Ford.
Durite d'échappement inférieur pour moteur Volvo Penta - OMC.
Diamètre 90mm.
Exhaust Durite for Volvo Penta and WTO engine.
Necklace required under TOR90/13 references.