Fuel pump for Yamaha 200 to 300HP HPDI type engine between 2003 and 2010.
-LZ250: 2003-05
-LZ300: 2004-06
-VZ200: 2005-09
-VZ225: 2003-09
-VZ250: 2003-09
-VZ300: 2004-09
-Z250: 2003-05
-Z300: 2004-06
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Fuel pump for Yamaha 200 to 300HP HPDI type engine between 2003 and 2010.
-LZ250: 2003-05
-LZ300: 2004-06
-VZ200: 2005-09
-VZ225: 2003-09
-VZ250: 2003-09
-VZ300: 2004-09
-Z250: 2003-05
-Z300: 2004-06
High pressure petrol pump for Mercury motor from 2002 to 2006:
- EFI 30 and 40HP 3 cylinders
- EFI 40 to 60HP 4 cylinders
High-pressure petrol pump for the following outboard and inboard engines:
- Mercury 4 time EFI 150 to 250HP 2.5L 3L
- Mercruiser injection with VST module
High-pressure petrol pump for Mercury Mariner engine types Optimax from 75 to 300HP.
High-pressure petrol pump for Mercury motor 150 to 300HP EFI.
Low-pressure gasoline pump in the MER of Mercruiser MPI engines.
Low-pressure petrol pump for Mercury DFI from 2003 to 2010:
- OPTIMAX DFI from 75 to 300HP.